Angin Call meeting Bandung living lab

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Created at: 11 Jul 2018


Angin Call meeting Bandung

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

In 2017 the Royal Academy of Sciences & Arts (The Netherlands) opened in deliberation with their Indonesian counterparts a call for project ideas to enhance and innovate the existing academic relation between Indonesia and The Netherlands. This so-called ANGIN program can grant up to 4 selected proposals per year. In autumn 2017 Indonesian and Netherlands academic partners submitted a project proposal "Living Lab Water Indonesia" which was granted and started officially in January 2018. "Living Lab Water Indonesia" is an initiative of scientists of ITB, UNPAD (Indonesia), Radboud University, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Zeeland University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein (The Netherlands). The involved scientists focus on the implementation of the circular economy concept. In particular in relation to the water related issues in Indonesia. Examples of these water related issues are reducing floods, improving the water quality, increasing access to clean drinking water etc. Many people think that the circular economy concept only deals with the recycling of materials. However, the circular economy concept comprises also other aspects such as the fostering of natural ecosystems (seas, forests, rivers) and the fading out of "negative externalities" in business models. The latter means that one strives to develop only business models that have no direct or indirect negative impact on the needs of people (physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualisation). In summary, implementation of the circular economy concept means realising sustainability with a sound business model. Many technological and "soft" innovations are needed to solve the various water related issues in line with the principles of the circular economy (i.e. sustainable). However, frequently the implementation of these innovations do not leave the university campus because they address only one specific part of the complex problem. Or they are too expensive or did not incorporate relevant socio-cultural aspects. Empirical research has demonstrated that the innovation process is much more successful if the four societal shareholder groups; citizens (incl. NGO's), authorities, academia and entrepreneurs are collaborating from the very beginning till the implementation of the innovation process. This collaboration of the four societal shareholder groups is referred to as the "quadruple helix". In the so-called "Living Labs Water Indonesia" project representatives of the quadruple helix define and rank relevant research questions, develop and test innovations that will contribute to solve the complex water issues in a sustainable way with a sound business model. In the "Living Lab Water Indonesia" project we start with three Living Labs which address the specific water related problems in the surroundings of Surabaya, Semarang and Bandung respectively. During the July workshop we will demonstrate how the Living Labs actually work. Additionally, we will define a number of innovations and related research projects (together with societal shareholders) which will be pursued for the coming years in the Indonesian-Netherlands scientific collaboration.

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Floris Boogaard

• Submitted 2068 projects
• Expert at Water
• Netherlands

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