Permeable parking lots, Overtoom 194 rain(a)way , Amsterdam

Grid Pavers (permeable pavement)

Created at: 21 Mar 2021


Two types of permeable grid pavers were chosen for a pilot. After almost two years both systems function good.

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

Doorgroeibare verharding Overtoom 194, Amsterdam. Twee typen halfverharding werden gekozen. Beide typen functioneren nog steeds goed na ongeveer twee jaar.

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Breedte (in m)/width (in m) 3
Jaar van aanleg/year of construction 2020
Wie heeft de maatregel aangelegd?/Who created the measure? Amsterdam
Lengte (in m)/Length (in m) 12
Aanwezige plantsoorten/plant species present Grass
Welke functies vind je terug in de maatrege/what functions can you find in the measure? Since the green surface is smaller then the car-with, people can easily walk. These specific parking lots are also accessible for the disabled.
Gebruikerservaring/user experience
Wat zijn gewenste wijzigingen voor de maatregel?/What are desired changes for the measure? Municipality Amsterdam West unanimously advised to make a new policy: every new/repaired parkinglot should be semi-permeable green, unless impossible
Wat zijn negatieve aspecten van de maatregel?/What are negative aspects of the measure? Maintenance should be different then the current existing proces with tiled parking lots and more consistent with green maintenance current proces
Waar wordt de maatregel het meest voor gebruikt?/What is the measure most commonly used for? Water retention, green sight, lowering urban heat island, ecology
Hydraulisch functioneren/hydraulic functioning
Retentievermogen/retention ability (m³) 200 liter/m3

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